Monday, February 7, 2011

[[CCK11]]: A reply I posted on Wikipedia discussion:

A reply I posted on Wikipedia discussion:

... I admire your passion to prove your point. My initial reaction is that you are mixing up between three inter-related concepts:

1) Connectivism as a theory (i.e. the concept that learning is the expansion of connections and that knowledge resides in machines)
2) Connectivism as a learning approach (i.e. learning in the knowledge age will depend on how we connect with individuals and other knowledge devices/machines) and
3) MOOC as an application to the learning approach (i.e. 2 above). MOOC is a course designed to introduce the concept of connectivism in a "connective" way. The success of the attempt is not indicated by the number of the participants in the Elluminate sessions, but by the number of "knowledge connections" that are formed outside the course. Try to search for #CCK08, #CCK09 or #CCK10 (the tags used to connect the groups) and you will find out that numerous groups and networks exist in the Web 2.0 world that continue connecting even after the conclusion of the course. Which proves that there is a merit to the theory and its application! (although it still need to be captured, analyzed and documented! ;) ...

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